Help! Need opinions!


Hey guys, I need your opinions!!

So I have one son already, 4 years old but I never had implantation bleeding with him, I was a single mom & my situation was completely different than I’m in now so it’s hard for me to think back & remember my early pregnancy signs with him & I’m lost! Lol

My boyfriend and I had sex on the 21st & 23rd, both days with ejaculation. My ovulation was supposedly the 12-18 (never took ovulation tests, just going by my app) my next period was to start the 31st.

On the 28th I woke up to egg-white consistency blood in my underwear, assuming it was my period starting early. I had extremely light, brown, blood all day. My boyfriend & I had sex again that night & there was a lot of blood during sex. The next morning I woke up to no blood again. So I had one day of a period, if that’s what it was.

What is everyone’s thoughts on this being implantation bleeding?!