Unsuccessful Tese


My husband did a SA in 2020 and 2022 and both came back with 15,000 count, 0% motility and basically all 0’s across the board. Our doctor recommended a tese and the procedure was unsuccessful. They retrieved two sperm that were both immobile. My doctors all seem confused as they stated they have never had someone with a SA like he had and were not able to obtain sperm from a tese. He was not on any kind of medication before hand. They want to do another SA in two weeks to see if they can grab any from there to use for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I started him on fertilaid and count boost and he’s taking a daily multivitamin in hopes this helps. Does anyone else have a successful experience like this? I am losing hope 😭