Goodbye glow sisters

I'm now 4 days late and still BFN and when I got postive turned out to be chemical. Been trying for years though I was very late in desiring to get pregnant cos I thought I'll get pregnant easily but sadly I was wrong. I'm going to turn 40 this July and I felt I stressed myself for many years cos of my TTC every cycle. It made me feel envious and made me feel hopeless and depressed. I had numerous chemical pregnancies and got pregnant last year but ended in miscarriage at 7weeks. After that I had hard time conceiving with all fertility meds. I'm thinking maybe cos of stress and depression that's why I didnt ovulated so Ive decided today to leave glow and let things happen if it's for me. I'm tired buying ovulation tests and pregnancy tests for years. Tired crying too. As me and hubby are preparing for our new journey cos were moving out from this city we live cos of his work, I think it's also time to move out glow and be free from worried and sadness because of my serious tracking and searching and etc. Hope you ladies will get pregnant soon. Thank you glow sisters! Thank you glow. Goodbye ladies!