Anyone else?

Does anyone else get that feeling that your heart has dropped into your stomach when you see that your SO "liked" or "loved" another womens (or persons) photo on social media?

I hardly ever get on Facebook and when I just happened to tonight, one of my husband's posts showed up on my newsfeed. I saw there was a "reaction" on the post from some girl I've never heard of or seen on his page previously, so I checked out her page. I thought, maybe they've worked together or something. I saw that she was a few years younger than me but she and I had many mutual friends, people that I went to school with but my husband did not (he went to school 45 minutes away from me). So that made me question again, how could she know her..

I saw she had posted a picture of herself in a very revealing shirt and I noticed my husband liked the photo. Instantly my heart dropped. My old insecurities came rolling back so quickly.

"Maybe hes bored with me"

"Maybe I dont make him happy anymore"

"Maybe he wants someone younger than me"

"Maybe he wants someone that is more revealing like this. I used to be like this at one point in my life. Maybe he wants that again. Maybe I'm not sexy anymore"

"Maybe I'm not intimate enough with him"

"Maybe we dont spend time together enough"

I'm like 80% uncomfortable with him "liking" another womens photo, and 20% understanding of noticing and recognizing a beautiful woman 🤷‍♀️

He and I are usually great about talking to each other about almost everything. However, I dont know how to tell him that it makes me uncomfortable that he likes other womens pictures on social media. We have been together 8 years, we bought our first home together last August, and welcomed our first child in November last year as well.

Now I'm just full of emotions and questions right now