Neonatal Stroke


I’m really needing support from another mom who has went through something similar. My little boy arrived into the world on Tuesday, it was a very traumatic birth, and shortly after, he had a small seizure. We got to enjoy one night with our boy before he was scooped up back to the NICU where they ran tests and found that sometime during labor or birth he went without oxygen for too long causing a few strokes within different parts of his brain. The outlook from the neuro doctor is grim, that he will likely experience developmental delays but they don’t know to what extent or severity and that he will be in therapy for most of his childhood as well as have to take daily anti-seizure medication. My little guy is still in the NICU and will hopefully be coming home soon. I want so bad for him to be able to live a normal happy and healthy life, and I guess I’m just looking for any positive stories from moms who have went through something similar. Thank you in advance ❤️