So my boyfriend called me toxic.

So we haven’t seen eye to eye in weeks! I posted on here a few days ago how he said he wasn’t going to pay half his rent all because I wanted to end things with him. So he said through a text message when I ask could he send his half of rent “I’m not sending nothing” and during that time I was out of state visiting my grandfather after several days I came home and decided to just pay the rent myself because he still haven’t sent his half at that time and I didn’t even bother arguing with him about it. I knew that’s what he wanted and I didn’t want to make him feel like he won and that I needed him. Eventually we got into it over rent because I will come home and he will have my favorite snacks on the dresser which only pissed me off even more and I also saw he paid for a game on his PlayStation I said how on earth are you paying for anything when you didn’t even send your money for rent yet and before I left out the country he just got paid and I only remember because he said he will only have 20 dollars left over after rent. He lied and said he never paid for a game I had to show him proof and then I asked him what are you waiting until the next time you get paid to send me your half and he says yeah I told you this already I said WHAT! You are a liar you said nothing to me about anything I said you spent your money on whatever and now acting like we already had a conversation about you paying rent late. I said how is that fair? I’m the one who always have to make sure everything get paid, I’m the only one who’s working my ass off making sure we have enough money to pay the bills. He just started working months ago after being unemployed for two years I was the one who was always paying everything. Then he says I’m always talking down on him Everytime when I try to get a point across to him. I said you need to do what you need to do you can’t keep complaining about you need money. I said that because his manager will ask him can he pick some days up he will say he doesn’t want to because he’s tired from working only 4 days and checks be 500- 700 dollars or less and remind you our rent is not cheap nothing is cheap nowadays..I said why do I have to work 6 days a week sometimes but you complain about working 4 days out the week. Every bill that we have here the only bill we go half on is rent and Gas and electric and he always send it late after the due date and after I paid it and the only reason why he sends it because I say something about it. He told me I sent my half what else you want me to do. I told him I realized you only do just enough, you never go above and beyond for me like I do for you you have never paid a bill in full and told me don’t worry about this month bill, I always have to either pay the whole amount or pay half but I could never not pay anything and it was two years I paid everything on my own without any help. And he says well I’m not making money like you I said I’ve been busing my ass to make sure things are paid and it’s not me talking down on you I don’t care where you work I just need your mindset to be better you need to work hard to get where you want to be. But he called me toxic for me talking down on him and me not trusting him and wanting to break up. I said you fail to realize you have lied to me over and over and you gave me your ass to kiss. I always went above and beyond for him every birthday I spent a good 500 dollars or more..last year I spent like 1,000 for him and every birthday for me he never had a job and this year he did and he only got me a pair a shoes that I wanted that was 100 and something dollars and took me out to eat.I literally saved my money up until his birthday to make sure he enjoyed it and I never got the same treatment for mine. He did a lot of petty stuff to me behind my back dealing with females and lied when I found out. He’s famous for lying to the point he gets mad if you don’t believe him. One time I had his phone and seen someone ask him how was work and I scrolled up further to the messages and seen him send her a picture of his dick I showed him he snatched the phone out my hand so fast and said it wasn’t nothing in his phone and deleted the thread and made me believe I didn’t see anything. I paid this boy phone bill plenty of times when he didn’t have the money gave him my old iphone which was in brand new condition. Like I literally would give this boy the world and he calls me toxic because I don’t want to allow certain things anymore. I know people will say why am I with him, because I’m too nice I always try to see the good in people.

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