I wanna break up but don’t know how

I think I’m finally ready to leave my relationship with my daughters dad. We’ve been through so much and he has treated me so bad at times. He’s very manipulative, selfish, emotionally abusive, and narcissistic. We’ve been fighting a lot. He tells me all the time how selfish I am if I don’t do what he wants, he has told me to kill myself, he’s called me awful names. But on the flip side, he’s been my best friend. A true trauma bond.

Anyways. My daughter and I spent the weekend away from him and it was the best weekend I’ve had in over a year. It was so peaceful, we both were so happy and he comes home today and I’m just dreading it. I don’t want to see him. I just want to keep living in this peace. I have so much healing to do and I just can’t be treated this way anymore. My daughter picks up on it and it’s just awful.

I don’t know how to break up with him. Every time I try, he doesn’t accept it and I ultimately just give in. Please give me advice for breaking up with an abusive person that you have kids with.