No on digital but vvfl?

I got a vvvfl on an frer so decided to take a digital and it said no so I broke it open and it has a vfl..? I know you're not supposed to open it but I just need to see that yes.

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Posted at
The digital test is INVALID once taken apart because digital ALWAYS have two lines on them. Plus, digital tests require higher HCG levels. So if you took an early detection pregnancy test (basically those HPTs that states it can detect as early as 6 days before AF) and it is negative, it’s likely you’re not pregnant.


Issa • Jun 5, 2022
… or likely that you are testing too early. How many DPO are you?


Posted at
I hate to be the one to burst anyone's bubble but I think the digital tests always have some sort of line on them. Give it a day or 2


Posted at
It’s negative I’m sorry.