so annoyed!


i just need to rant because periods are so annoying 🙄 the latest my period has EVER been since i’ve been tracking for a couple years was cd31, the only time i’ve ever been late for my period is when i was pregnant. all my periods up until my miscarriage were always around 5 days & for the last couple months they’ve been ranging from being like 3 days to 6 days & last cycle it came at cd 29 which is normal for me but only lasted for 3 days. & now i’m on cd 32 so if it doesn’t come today it’s officially late but i feel like my body is playing tricks on me because i want to b pregnant so bad but i’ve been having on & off cramps & i just want my period to come already if i’m not pregnant 🙄 sooooo annoying. if it doesn’t come today or tomorrow i’m gonna take a test but come on already!!