Babe not taking the bottle


Okay guys so my second baby, my beautiful little Elizabeth is EBF and refused to take a bottle, I’ve tried loads of different ones, a cup, a syringe, and nothing… she only takes the good stuff straight from the source. I’ve kind of given up now and just accepted it. My question is… she’s 6 months on the 12th of July, and I was thinking/ hoping it will get easier after that? Because once We’ve established weaning and she’s on solids if I ever needed to go anywhere and be without her I could send her with some food instead of milk, and feed her before and after ? I will only ever be without her for no more than 3 hours. It’s been hard work not being able to have a ‘break’ so to speak. I know that sounds selfish but I’d just love to be able to get my hair done or nails etc n not constantly worry !!

Thanks xxx