Low sex drive


I’m very concerned. My daughter is 5 months and my SO and I have only had sex twice since her conception. Let me just point out that the two times we did have sex (once while pregnant, once pp) it was a bit awkward and I wasn’t in the mood. I’ve tried things to try to get myself and that normally results in being horny when we are away then when we get together, I’m not in the mood and tired. For the most part, he follows my lead when it comes to sex. I understand why. We used to have sex ALL of the time. Now not at all. Being pregnant I was scared to have sex because his semen always throws off my PH and I didn’t want to deal with infections and taking medicine while pregnant plus I wasn’t even getting wet down there. We tried lube and a condom but it was an awkward disaster. I’ve recently tried buying sexy lingerie to get myself in the mood and we did have sex, but I didn’t personally enjoy it. I just did it because I don’t want to feel like I’m constantly depriving my man. Any pointers to help me boost my sex drive and enjoy sex ?