Social media “stalking” - where do you stand?

Background story: I have a friend who “stalks” people via social media, everyone she comes into contact with she will look up on various platforms. Her doctors, her coworkers, her employer, random people she meets, and she somehow gets around privacy settings and goes deep into it, figuring things out about them and even getting into their family’s profiles. She did this to her therapist and even started looking at the family members’ pages as well. She determined her therapist’s father was a retired minister and she considered switching therapists because of this because she didn’t want her therapist to have a religion. So… all that being said… this is all “public” information, so she is well within her rights. But is it MORALLY right to “stalk” people like this online? What are your thoughts?

A) it’s morally gray and not a problem/if everything online is accessible and open to be viewed then they need to expect people to view it

B) it’s morally wrong but not something anyone can stop/lock down your profiles or stay off of social media if you don’t want people to see certain things

C) it’s morally wrong and should have some level of consequence if a social platform notices a user constantly returning to a certain person’s profile or spending a large amount of time on their profile

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