My family all of a sudden wants to meet the baby now.

If you've followed my post you know me and my partners story and the b.s my family put us through. When I met my husband he was the most perfect guy in the world. Very sweet. Wanted pics of my daily life. Not nudes. I was the one who first initiated sex and he told me right away when I tried he's HIV positive. He told me he understands if its a deal breaker and if I want I can speak to his doctor because he can't pass it on. I decided to give the relationship a chance and it blossomed! I had an abusive ex who I tried for a baby with. I have pcos and endo and never got pregnant. Like the first time I slept with my husband I got pregnant. My family was mad about me having a baby with someone with HIV and harassed both me and my husband to try to get us to abort. They went as far as teaming up with my old abusive to make memes of my ultrasound and about my baby being an AIDS baby. I had my abuser harassing me with my family and they didn't care. I have a healthy baby girl. I get tested regularly and I'm negative. Baby girl is negative to and healthy and my husband's family, especially his dad has been so amazing to me during my PPD. My mother texted me saying"When do we get to meet the baby". After all that they want to meet the baby? Not even an apology?! Wtf?! It hurts because they're my family but after everything they put me through with no apology