Baby gay dating advice ( I feel sad, vulnerable, and embarrassed)

I recently realized that I no longer wanted to pursue relationships with men and I have begun exploring my identity. I have been seeing women here and there and I met someone so special. We had three dates and have already been intimate with each other. I don’t know I feel pathetic saying this but I wanted her to be my girlfriend. Long story short, we went out on Friday to the bars and clubs and I got very drunk and told her how I felt. Things were going well and out of no where she pushed me away and told me to stop. Anyways I ended up at her house and we were cuddling in the morning and making out. Out of no where she turns to me and tells me that she can’t give me what I want right now but it doesn’t mean she wants to stop talking which I understand but it does suck. I never fall for people this fast. I’m judging myself and I’m more heartbroken over her than I have ever been with anyone else. I texted her after my nap. I apologized and I asked to know what’s on her mind and all she replied with was “you’re fine”. She completely ignored the what’s on your mind question. I feel very vulnerable, stupid, ugly, and rejected lol only because she never answered my question. I feel like I fucked up by getting drunk but I was also with my friends and hers. I know I’ll get over it but at this moment idk I’m sad. I don’t know I feel like I should take her off social media and leave her alone since I think that’s clearly what she wants. Should I text her? Leave her alone?