ovulation strip tests


hey guys i need some advice. i’m 19 and i don’t know too much about ovulation/tracking it. that was never something that i was taught including cervical mucus and more in depth things about a woman’s body since schools never teach that and in my culture no one cares about it unless it’s sex in which you’ll go to hell for having premarital sex. anyway i don’t really believe in that. i’ve been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years (sexually active as well) and have noticed that my body has changed even the past few years even before being sexually active. i want to know my body and what my normal is and how my cycle is which includes knowing when i’m ovulating in order to avoid pregnancy and even use that to get pregnant in the future, obviously we use condoms and i plan to go on birth control. does anyone have any tests that you recommend i can use at home to start figuring out my ovulation days? or even any knowledge you may know about it. i’ve tried following glows predictions and the looks of cervical mucus but i’m just so confused on how to know when im ovulating just by the way it looks and i definitely don’t want to rely on an apps predictions since they are not always accurate.