Am I the problem? Literally feeling like the worst human being


A tinder date. Turned into a relationship. Not a bad thing, he’s a great guy. I knew he had just gotten out of a relationship with an alcoholic, functional coacaine addict. They have a daughter, I’ve been in the picture since she was 8 months old. She knows me, and loves me as her Sophie. Fast forward, she is 3, almost four. Since we have moved in together, I am with her about 70% of the time. She visits grandma and grandpa for a few hours of the day, on separate days; they are divorced.(don’t get me started on grandpa)! She’s fine with me, no whining or tantrums that last for more than a few minutes.

I’ve been asking dad to help me set boundaries. I AM NOT HER BOI MOTHER. I do all this in consideration of father and mother. I don’t want to cross any boundaries. Or make anyone uncomfortable. But I will not allow her to run all over me to get what she wants, she understands without me having to spank or do any time outs. She knows her dad will cave, AND I AM SO FUCKING OVER IT!

I feel like all this asking and talking is not doing anything to change this. WHENEVER HE IS HOME, she’s crying over broken toast. He is not able to change his work schedule to be with her more, I love being with her. But she needs her dad, I get it. HOW TF do I get through this man to help me out, when she literally is crying over nothing. He baby talks her. And that’s it. No firm, gentle reminder… like hey we don’t do that if we wanna stay here.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I feel like an asshole for even feeling like this! But am doing my best being a step-parent without her father. I am losing my shit. Almost at a point, I DONT WANT TO BE IN THIS RELATIONSHIP! I don’t have actually, literal, verbal, physical help with her.

I always have to be the bad guy! NO THIS, not that, BE CAREFUL… SOPHIE IS MEAN!! I get it, SHES THREE/FOUR. It hurts, after trying to love another’s child after CARRYING your own for SIX MONTHS AND NOT BAING ABLE TO TAKE HER HOME.

I have so much love for the step parents!!!! I don’t know how y’all do it. May god bless you all.

I feel like a failure.