Healing from relationship trauma

idk where to start.. i’m so at a loss .. I ended my relationship of 4 years with my kids dad for cheating, controlling ways and emotional and mental abuse.. it’s been a few months now and I can honestly say i’m still not 100% over it.. like i’m ok with knowing that it’s over and i’m ok with him sleeping around (that’s something that took some time to process) but i’m now ok with it bc we are no longer together and I even don’t want him back bc it was such a relief when things ended I will never go back.. only way is forward for me. but I do find myself keep thinking and upset on us not being a family. I started talking to this new guy and he’s a complete sweetheart we are still getting to know each other but I told him I don’t want to date and do all of the extra.. I basically friend zoned him and he understood and he knows I need to heal from my last relationship so he told me we could take it as slow as I want.. idk how long this will take but I need help on where to start.. any advice will be well appreciated!