Sexual assault was it my fault, too late to report?

Last year I had slept with a guy consensually whom I met online as a hook up.

The following night he asked to meet again and bring two friends I agreed

When I got into the car I instantly regretted it stepping in. They had been drinking, they pulled at my clothes kept choking and pushing my head into there..yenno and I kept asking them to stop that it was hurting.

I consented to vaginal sex at one point but it hurt I went along with it as I was scared.

He they anally penetrated me and it was agony I constantly said no and I begged for them not to go near me anally multiple times, I bled and anally have had longlasting damage to this day due to it.

I believe they also photographed me after ejaculating on me, he then said raise your hand if you were just raped, then laughed and said if you cum it's not rape

I feel I need to report it but also feel it's my own fault for getting in a car with three guys knowing what they wanted and I can no longer remember dates etc

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