Dogs pooping out of control!

Guys I'm drowning in poop.

I have five dogs. No biggie. They're on a good, branded food, I fed two of them breakfast in the morning (puppies), they all get some biscuits by 9am, and then I feed them dinner (kibble, tinned food, veggies) at 4pm.

I have an enclosed garden so I have to pick up poop. Before, I could do it weekly and only fill a bag. But I am having to do it daily now, PLUS at night two of them are waking up around 2am for nightly poops (one of the puppies and an older dog). The puppies are seven months old.

Guys. I did a pickup yesterday evening at about 6pm. By 10am this morning there were already 10 new poops. I just did it again (430pm), and there have been SIXTEEN poops for the day.

I want to add this only recently started, about three weeks ago. Their poops are all firm, good colour. Not runny or a funny colour or anything.

I cannot deal with the amount of poops, and the midnight bathroom breaks.

What am I doing wrong, how can I stop this??

*It's a brand here called Optimizor. But I am thinking if switching to Montego