Could I be?


Hi. I'm Brianna I'm 23 years old. I've always had irregular periods about a year and a half ago it just began to get on track. In May it came 3 says early possibly from sex. Me and my partner had sex the 10th of May and the 17th my peak of ovulation was the 20th and I had (has never happenedto me before) while gettingin the shower a quick burst of tmi bleeding and it was gone within hours. Then shocked me again more blood while whiping on the 23rd or 24th I'm not sure if I caught the window or not. Mind you we're not trying and he doesn't really let off in me but pre-sperm is possible right but? - but my period didn't come June 3rd as my calender said instead I've been spotting or have had the longest lightest period I've ever had .. I've been expecting the flow to pick up but it hasn't only cramps and cramps but today is the last day.. Feedback Please