Question about going out with newborn?

I’m due at the end of the month, so right in time for the summer my family has already started making plans for the summer like beach days/picnics, zoos, parks, just fun activities so we can all enjoy the summer together. My question is I don’t know if I feel comfortable attending any of the things they have planned. My hubby told me already he doesn’t feel comfortable he think it’ll be too soon. We had both agreed that the first month we limit visitation to only grandparents, my hubby is going to be home for 2 weeks vacation when I go into labor and we want to spend those 2 weeks as a family first, then we’ll do a visit or two to both grandparents, so that’s our plan for July! So I definitely wouldn’t be going to any of the family activities in July! So my question is August too soon to mixing up my newborn with the family for outings ?? Let me know what other mommas had done in terms of when you first started going out with baby and interactions with family members, for me right now my biggest concern is Covid as a lot of my family did recently come down with Covid because of their jobs like at the hospital for example…