Too many transitions?


Hey mamas. I’m 32 weeks. I have a 3 year old and am due with our second on August 6th. Our 3 year old currently goes to daycare full time. The only thing we like about this daycare is that it’s right across the street. Other than that we get no communication about how he is doing, what he is learning, etc. The only time they share any information has been once when he hit another kid and once when he bit another kid. Only negative information. We want to move him back to a Montessori school owned by the same people he used to go to when he was 1.5 yrs old. They always shared their lesson plans, how he was doing, and just overall better communication. Only reason we took him out of that school was because it was too far of a drive. BUT now the same Montessori school owns another building that’s reasonably close to us and they have an opening for him in August.

So we likely want to switch him…but my Mom Guilt over switching his school right in the middle of this life changing event (becoming a big brother) is strong. Is this too much?? It seems like the best decision for him in the long run (and his baby brother, too once he is old enough for daycare). I’m just worried he’s going to feel like his entire world is different in the span of like 2 weeks.

Am I overthinking?? Any advice??