Is this normal orrr??


My husband and I been together for 8 years. We had no problems with intimacy until I became pregnant. Throughout my pregnancy, I did not want to be touched, cuddled, or have sex. Our baby is 6 months old and I still have no desire in intimacy. Sometimes we go two weeks without intimacy, and when we do it’s normally because he asks. I have no desire or interest in intimacy. Sometimes I don’t even want to kiss, cuddle or be near him. I really really do love him but I feel that I get my love met with cuddling, playing and holding my daughter. Like is this normal? Sometimes I feel like I am being an awful wife.. I truly love my husband and couldn’t imagine being without him or with anyone else but our sex life is nonexistent. I know he would love to more often than we do right now but I just have no desire. When he does ask, I feel like “ughhh really….” But I don’t want him to cheat on me so I obviously say yes and just do it for him…