what is passionate sex at this point….

i’ve figured my boyfriend has a high sex drive… which is why everytime i go over to his house we have sex. it’s not even spontaneous, he asks can we fuck and even if i’m not in the mood i give in everytime. i don’t know what my issue was but these recent days i’ve been turning him down whenever he wants to and he took it to heart and started to overthink on how im not attracted to him, and how he needs to control his lust… HIS LUST????? man will i tell you i started to think does he love me or is it all just been lust. anyways i’ve finally figured out why my sex drive has been so low.

I want the full on affectionate sex. First of all he plans the sex everytime, how ew is that. Second is he just asks and when i say yes he instantly goes inside. He fingers me before so i can get wet and then goes in.

That’s not how it works for me. I don’t get turned on by instantly going and touching my privates. I want love and affection to get me turned on. KISSINGGGG. he doesn’t kiss me. I want cuddles. he doesn’t cuddle because his bed is too ‘small’. I want to feel love when i have sex. I feel a deep connection with him when i kiss him or cuddle with him or hug him. I feel a deep intimate connection with him when we do that occasionally and i want that for sex. before, during and after. anyways that’s my rant ima tell him all this when i see him later today. wish me luckkk i get my point through.