What are the odds?

Hey there everyone, first post.

I have ovulated between days 12 and 15 if my cycle for nearly four years (as old as my toddler lol). This month I was "predicted" to ov on day 15 of a variable cycle that has been regularly 25-28 days FOR OVER THREE YEARS! Never a 29 day cycle or more.

We are trying to avoid so I took an ovulation test twice a day, the day before sex (CD 17) the day of (CD 18) and the days after (CDs 19 and 20). All negative. No discernable discharge or mucus, certainly not of the fertile variety.

Now, I'm two days "late" at CD 30. **I am aware that's not that late and have no problem continuing to test** But I don't feel my period coming on in any way shape or form, nor do I feel pregnancy symptoms. A pregnancy test yesterday and today (fmu, first response) was negative.

Is there REALLY a chance I'm pregnant after all and am getting false negatives? Or are the odds ever in my favor that I'm NOT?

I get super stressed about this because I had a mentally and emotionally traumatic pregnancy with my first and only child, so I'm asking this question to be able to reason myself through the real odds I could be pregnant.

Thanks for any insight!