How can I lose weight if I don’t like a lot of fruits and vegetables?

This is kind of embarrassing, but I am 30 years old and I really don’t like fruits and vegetables. I am worried that since I don’t eat a wide variety of veggies/fruits that I won’t be able to change my eating habits.

The few that I do actually eat, I eat them with every meal. But it’s the same everyday.

For example- breakfast I either have egg whites and avocado. Or I’ll have a smoothie which is a mix of kale spinach and banana, blueberry’s.

As a snack, I’ll have either a banana or an apple.

Lunch is usually a salad, which is a spring mix with carrots and grillled chicken. If I don’t have a salad, I’ll eat a Turkey burger with no bread, and if I didn’t have avocado in the AM, I’ll have it with the burger. Or I’ll have the smoothie.

Dinner I’ll usually have chicken with broccoli, another salad. Sometimes I switch the broccoli with asparagus.

Desert is watermelon

So to sum it up the only fruits/veggies I eat are kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, carrots, blueberries, avocados, bananas, apples.

My husband thinks I need to eat a lot more different things, like grapes, peppers, onions tomato’s. I agree, and wish I did like more variety, but I just don’t.

Can I still be “healthy” with my limited diet? Is it really bad that I don’t eat more fruits and vegetables?