Needing some reassurance—baby with delays

Hello all. I’m a ftm with anxiety so please hear me out and be kind. From literally day 1 I have noticed my baby is not like other babies at all. Just always seems uncomfortable and is very rarely happy. She did have cmpi, reflux, and oral ties but all have been treated. When we fixed those issues she went from screaming all day to just like whining fussy all day. I had heard about colic so I didn’t really think anything of it but around 5 months she was still fussy and so I thought she was just a high needs baby. At the time I didn’t realize it but she definitely was delayed on smiling and laughing. So around 6 months is when I really started observing differences between her and other babies. I noticed my daughter constantly has her fists clenched and toes clenched as well, she was unable to roll at all (back to belly or belly to back), screamed during tummy time, choked a lot while eating, and just constantly whined and fussed. I brought it up to her doctor at the 6 month checkup and she wasn’t too concerned and just said my daughter probably wasn’t rolling because she didn’t like tummy time. I’ve really been doubting myself because like I said I’m a ftm but my gut was really telling me something is off with my baby. Ok so fast forward to now. She’s 8.5 months old and she just started rolling at 8 months but only rolls in one direction (like can only roll to the right). She still is constantly fussy and still has hands and toes clenched. If I had to describe it I’d just say she’s extremely stiff and tense. She sits up well and has good head control but she’s definitely nowhere near being able to crawl or even army crawl or anything. I went ahead and self referred to ECI because I’m just anxious somethings wrong and Google doesn’t help. I’m worried she might have cerebral palsy. Has anyone had a baby like mine and what ended up happening? Her ECI eval is in 3 weeks and I hate waiting. Also does it sound like she would qualify for ECI based on her symptoms? I feel like she needs help for the stiffness but we absolutely cannot afford private pt or ot.

I had a healthy pregnancy but I did have Covid while pregnant and I did have high blood pressure so I was induced 2 weeks early and then ended up having postpartum preeclampsia. Not sure if any of that is relevant. Also not sure if this is relevant or not but I literally had to wait like an hour to push for the doctor to get in the room and like I finally got to the point where I was telling the nurse I couldn’t hold it in anymore. My baby was a little purple when born but still had a decent apgar. Again not sure if it’s relevant but I’ve always been paranoid about that.