Breastfeeding help please 😭


I don’t have the chance to see a lactation consultant so I’m in desperate need of any help/advice. I’ll try to make it as short as possible - 4 month old son. EBF until 2-3 weeks ago where I thought he was going though a nursing strike. He’s been getting one bottle before bed since 3 weeks old but a few weeks ago I started giving him a few throughout the day so he at least doesn’t starve. I’m a just-enougher pumping so it’s half breast milk, half formula.

So when he wakes at night a few times, he’ll breastfeed perfectly right back to sleep. During the day I noticed he started to get distracted eating which is fine, but idk if that’s the problem anymore. He’ll latch and then pull off multiple times then scream and refuse to even latch anymore. I don’t have a fast letdown, I’ve tried expressing so he gets instant milk. I’ve tried nursing in every position. I’ve tried feeding him a bottle first then nursing so he’s not starving. My supply is fine as well.

I’m so sad I really don’t want to give up breastfeeding, it’s my favorite thing especially since this is my last baby. Is there anything that might be causing this? It’s been a few weeks of it. I’m sorry for the long post, thank you if you’ve reached this point. I’ll take any advice I can get!😫