Extremely annoyed

My fiancé and I have a three month old daughter. We decided long before she was born that we would not be posting pictures of her undressed, in just a diaper, partially naked, in the bath, or anything of the sort. I’ve only posted a few photos of her in general just because I’m not interested in broadcasting every aspect of our lives online. However, my fiancés mom came over last night and was playing with her while I got her bath ready. When I came back out, she was already undressed, in just a diaper. My fiancé fell asleep early so I’m sure his mom was just trying to help me get my daughter ready for her bath/bedtime, which is fine. Fast forward to today, I see that his mom posted a full body, 30+ second video of my daughter in just a diaper. Didn’t tag me so I didn’t see it until I was scrolling only to discover a half naked video of my kid on my Instagram feed. I’m so bothered that the video has already been online for this long and that I have no idea who has viewed it. I have no idea who follows her on Instagram. Anyway, the damage is done. I’ve told my fiancé to have her delete the video and explain to her that we don’t want anything posted online of my daughter undressed. How do I get over the fact that the video is already out there?? I know this might not be a huge deal to a lot of people but I’m really bothered by it. We decided beforehand that we wouldn’t post anything like that and then I just randomly see my half-naked baby on my newsfeed like come on… I’m so bothered. What can I do now????

Edit: she apologized and understands that we don’t want those types of pics/vids posted. I just feel guilty for letting it happen in the first place :(