People Comparing My Toddler


My son has a shyer temperament so he doesn't like to speak to strangers much. I notice people in my family and others compare my toddler a lot to others. They tell me that my son does not speak clear enough at 3, there are toddlers who are able to have full conversations and he's not. My child gets compared to celebrity children and children on television.

It's ridiculous. I told them I had my child evaluated twice for speech and he didn't need it. He isn't behind his peers at all and very verbal. I'm trying to explain child development and I also stated the pandemic had an effect on how these kids are speaking.

Then I get told I'm wrong, the doctors are wrong. So and so kid is 9 months and speaking good already and my son is 3 and etc. It's like they believe my child is delayed and don't want to hear otherwise. I asked what are their expectations? Should my child be speaking on the same level as a 6 grader? No response.

I mean how clear are 3 year olds supposed to speak. Are they not allowed to mess up words and things? I'm annoyed.