Twins Birth at 37 weeks

Caitlin • 💍👶🏻👶🏻🐾🐾🐾🐾

Y’all, I can honestly say, my first pregnancy and birth was pretty great. Especially for being a twin pregnancy. Everyone was healthy the whole pregnancy. There were minor things like extreme morning sickness in the beginning and being so past capacity I could barely eat at the end, to baby girl starting to get behind on weight only to accept the challenge and be over 5 pounds at birth!

I had a scheduled c-section at exactly 37 weeks and it went so smooth. I didn’t feel a thing! The babies didn’t go to the NICU right away, they went about a day and a half in to our hospital stay. Baby girl stayed 10 days and baby boy stayed 8 days. I ended up staying 6 days myself due to some BP issues they chose to monitor at the hospital since my babies were still patients also so there were only a few days that we weren’t all at least in the same building.

I just have to share because the Lord is good. It took 5 years(4 trying naturally and less than 6 months of <a href="">fertility treatment</a>) for us to get pregnant and he gave us two babies that are healthy and loved more than they know!