Help! Dental work for toddler requiring sedation

I'm absolutely gutted. My 3 year old has a handful of cavities and we found out yesterday he will need several fillings and 2 crowns 😭 They have two options to complete the procedure and I am just sick that I have to put my baby through this!

One is IV sedation, they put him completely under and do all the work while he's asleep. I'm sad for this option because I can't be there with him because technically it's a surgery so he will he alone, even to get the IV placed 😭 However the 2nd option sounds HORRID... they literally strap him down, tether his arms and legs down, and give him a drink that makes him sleepy but doesn't put him out. I'd be able to be with him but I guess they don't usually recommend that because it can upset the kid.

I'm just so destroyed that this is happening. I know it's just oral work on baby teeth and he will he fine but it makes me feel like a terrible mom! We have totally upped his brushing/flossing since we found out he had cavities a few months ago but still. Ugh.

Anyone else's babies had to be put out completely for dental work? How'd it go?