I might have cancer


Three years ago I found a small lump at the opening of my vagina. I showed it to my boyfriend who said he had seen it before and that’s how my vagina was. At the time, I wasn’t looking at my self often enough so I’ve never noticed it before. I went to a gynecologist but she didn’t really pay any attention to it so I left it alone. I was in the mirror and using my new rose toy when I realized the lump has gotten a lot bigger. I took a picture of it and showed it to my bf when he got home, he said he had noticed that sometimes it was bigger than other times. I am 16 weeks pregnant so I went for my pregnancy appointment when I showed it to the mid wife she said it didn’t look normal and had me make an appointment with the doctor (my appointment is tomorrow) and I’m freaking out. I was also diagnosed with PCOS 3 years ago and for those who don’t know, you’re more likely to develop cancer, heart disease etc with pcos. My OB said “it might be an abscess that just needs to drain” but my head is running a million miles a minute. What if I have cancer?

After I had my first son who is 16 months old, I noticed 3 months after that my hair was shedding. My hairline was receding etc. I looked it up and the most I came up with was post partum shedding, but I also saw that pp shedding would stop at 6 months or a year. Mine didn’t stop until I noticed I was pregnant again.

I hope I’m just overreacting, but please pray for me.