NIPT & Nuchal Transparency Ultrasound



I just had my 13 week ultrasound yesterday and everything went well! The nuchal transparency measured perfectly normal and they asked if I had plans to do a NIPS or NIPT test? My doctor talked about it during my last visit and I’m still on the fence. It’s something my insurance isn’t covering so I was wondering if anyone regretted not having it done, or felt fine with proceeding without any genetic/chromosomal abnormality testing?

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Posted at
We opted not to do the genetic testing this time around. We did it a couple years ago with my son and while it gave me a little bit of reassurance, I still spent the whole pregnancy worried that something would go wrong. 🤷‍♀️ (which it didn't, but I still worried)


Posted at
I didn't get it with my first since I thought it wouldn't change anything. Later I got freaked out when they found a soft marker in the anatomy scan for Spina bifida/trisomy 18 so I got the Quad screening. This time I chose to get the NIPT so I don't have to go through that later in pregnancy. It is also more accurate than the quad screen. I don't regret getting it this time because I already know my kiddo doesn't have a condition that could result in death before birth or hours after. Should be notes that my insurance did cover it in full.


Yelena🤰🏻w/#2 • Jun 17, 2022
Happy to help! ❤️ Congratulations on your little one!


Robyn • Jun 17, 2022
This is incredibly relieving, thank you for sharing your story! I'm so glad everything turned out okay with him and that he was absolutely fine!🥰 After receiving the news from my midwife, I was freaked out and I cried quite a bit that night. But it's been a few weeks and I feel that everything is fine with this baby and trusting in that!🙏 I've heard of some many stories where women came back with very high AFP levels like in the 18-20's and all turned out fine so mine being 2.77 doesn't seem as risky. Your story gave me peace of mind, thank you again ❤️


Yelena🤰🏻w/#2 • Jun 16, 2022
My first was totally fine! Had slightly enlarged kidneys that needed monitored a little bit, but required no surgery. His ultrasounds all looked good, minus the kidneys, and some early cysts in his brain which resolved on their own by the anatomy scan. I had a slightly elevated AFP level with him! I'm so glad I can share that with you. He was absolutely fine. ❤️


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I got it done for peace of mind and to be prepared. I also wanted to know gender before my 20 week scan.


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They would bill our insurance but it was cheaper to pay out of pocket. I think it was $215. My HSA covered it.


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I really wanted the peace of mind. My insurance covers it but I hadn’t met my deductible so I still ended up paying quite a bit. I recommend founding out what lab your OBs office uses. A lot of them will have a cash pay price that isn’t too bad.


Posted at
I was told that if insurance doesn’t cover it, you just call and do a survey. They drop the price to like $100-250. I got the NIPT test done last pregnancy but my insurance ended up covering it (I think because I was labeled high risk due to my cervix). I’m getting the blood work done again for this pregnancy and I was told that if insurance doesn’t cover the NIPS, it’s only $100 out of pocket. To me, it’s worth it. I wouldn’t have done it if it was going to be thousands of dollars.


Posted at
I didn’t get any testing done with my daughter and done regret it I have to get the Sequential done this time though because I’ve had recurrent miscarriages, unexplained infertility and my daughter has a congenital heart defect and we have to make sure our new baby doesn’t.


falling ethel • Jun 16, 2022