No line progression


Had a miscarriage in March been trying to conceive for 1 1/2 years. Had a faint positive June 8th which would be 5 days before my missed period. Went to the doctor she told me the test was negative. Sunday June 12 had another faint positive also this is the day I was supposed to start my period. Went to the doctor Monday June 13 and my doctor finally had a faint positive test she claims I was just really early. Not sure if I would be considered early pregnancy if I had a positive 5 days before a missed period. My line progression never got darker and I’ve also never had a dye stealer. I’m thinking another miscarriage. I am also taking progesterone. If anyone could give me some words of advice or if it’s ever happened to you before let me know! Thanks so much.

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Posted at
These were my tests from my chemical pregnancy - yours are darker than mine ever were so maybe there’s a chance it sticks!


Posted at
It could be a chemical pregnancy 🙁 I had a very early miscarriage in February and my pregnancy tests looked a lot like that. Ultimately though, if I hadn’t tested early, I would have just assumed my period was a couple days late. I didn’t have any super heavy bleeding or cramping or anything. I would ask your OB to do a quantitative HCG blood test to see if your levels are doubling or not. Wishing you the best. Hang in there ✨