Need all the positive stories!!


I have a 10 month old rainbow baby girl and just found I’m possibly pregnant.

I was 3 days late so took a test and got a faint line. Not a squinted but definitely not dark. The next day I started bleeding pretty heavy bright red and with lots of clots. I’ve been through a miscarriage before so I figured that is what was happening.

Two days later, the bleeding stops except for minimal spotting of darker blood. I took another test and it was blazing positive (I’ll add a photo). I called and requested blood work to be done and the number came back at 17.

I know that is SUPER LOW for gestation I should be at but I also know we need to see the next number to know anything.

Well the number doubled. It’s now 36.

I’m still spotting minimally so I’ve asked for another check in 2 days along with a progesterone check.

Is there ANY chance this pregnancy is viable? My last miscarriage almost broke me so I don’t know how I’ll handle another one. Please someone give me hope!