Something weird cervically


So, I noticed I had a lot of vaginal mucus when I went to the bathroom, so I decided to check, since I hadn't done my log today. There was still a lot of egg white consistency mucus, but what has caused me to worry is that when I checked my cervix, it didn't feel properly closed. I was able to put my whole index finger to the first knuckle inside it. And it felt unusually thin. According to Google, this is very bad and should only happen like that in early labor.

Now, I'm not pregnant. But I am near ovulation. We've been TTC for a year now, so I'm not sure if it's a sign that I'm actually ovulating today, or if it means something medically problematic.

Has anyone else experienced this? I have my OB appointment on Tuesday, and plan to ask about it then, but should I worry about it now?