Not being able to tell if it's AF or pregnancy

I have been very sexually active for the past month with my fiance as we are TTC. @21 days into the cycle I started feeling light twingles in my uterus which continued for approximately 4 days.

I have been nauseous every other night since then. I vomited 2 times dust far. And the both times it was after eating paIau. I made my favourite spaghetti and mince meat and I could eat it because it made me super nauseous. I have acne that came from no where, headaches now and again. And the twingles continued for about 1 week. I have no breast tenderness at all.

And last night as soon as my fiance was right around the corner coming to my house I started feeling extra nauseous to the point where I wanted to vomit on him.

My cycle is usually 36 to 34 days. Its 3 days till my next cycle begins.

Has anyone ever experienced this? Help