Crazy fast 3hr induction, hemorrhaging & cut open head 😭

I thought Id tell the birth story of my third baby girl since I didn't with her two sisters.

On Thursday I had my last OB appointment and I asked for an induction because of the crazy hip pains I was getting causing me to be unable to walk properly especially at night time πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« to my surprise my OB made the induction the next day 06/17/22 I was over the moon excited but also very nervous knowing she was about to join the world the very next day. My partner and I decided we needed to get everything last minute done as soon as we left the appointment so we ran to target, cleaned the truck out and clean our whole house top to bottom. Of course we also spent time with our other two girls until after dinner then brought them over to grandmas since we had to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning.

4am came around and I was in absolute pain from the waist down so I decided to just stay up and take a shower. My partner woke up too and made me a super yummy breakfast bless his heart he was so nervous too for the day that was about to begin. 5:30 came around and we were out the door and headed to the hospital that was about 20 mins down the street.

Once we arrived to the hospital they took me straight back to my room for COVID testing and to get set up. My partner had to wait in the waiting area until results of the COVID test came back. To my surprise it came back positive πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ after I was joking around with my nurse the whole time 🀦 luckily my partner was still allowed to join me the catch was once he came back he was stuck up stairs until discharge so we were isolated.

Anyways while he was waiting to come back to my room my OB was already at the hospital assisting another women in labor so he decided to stop in and give me a cervix exam and I was already dilated to a 4 almost 5. So he broke my waters to get things started. And right after that my partner finally got to join me around 9:30am❀️ (labs and Coivd test took a while to come back because the computers were down πŸ™‚)

Almost immediately contractions started and they were 3 mins apart and super intense. My nurse let me labor for an hour before she decided maybe she should check me again because of the pain I was in and how long and close the contractions were getting. Sure enough she checked me and I was already a 7 with a thick cervix around. I decided right then and there I needed the epidural I was going to die. Silly dramatic me πŸ˜…πŸ˜† they rushed in another bag of fluids while the anesthesiologist was on her way up.

She got upstairs in about 30 mins and those were the worst 30 mins of my life so far. But she started her thing and got the epidural in after a quick adjustment just to make sure it was placed right. The epidural took over and I was on cloud 9 thanking her for taking away the pain. 🀣 My nurse laid me back down and put the peanut ball between my legs and told me she will be back soon to check my progress. Within 20 more minutes she was running in adjusting me to the other side because babies heart rate dropped down to the 80s when a contraction hit. Which I heard and saw on the monitor and I started to prepare myself mentally for a c section. Her heart rate went up so my nurse let me lay on my left side for awhile until it happened again right when she walked out my contractions were back to back to back with pretty much no break in the middle. My amazing nurse stayed by my side adjusting me to keep baby comfortable while another nurse was trying to get ahold of my OB that just started a scheduled c section.

They decided they needed to check my cervix again even though it hadn't been long at all and when they looked babies head was almost out πŸ˜… I had just gotten the epidural so I couldn't feel anything not even the pressure they kept telling me about and I knew of because I felt it with my other two. Even though I was fully dilated my cervix was still kinda hard all the way around and that's what was making baby girl so upset with each contraction.

Her heart rate dropped down to the high 80s then the low 90s and my nurses decided we cant wait for the doctor this little girl was coming right now or something bad was going to happen. They told me and my partner to pull my legs back and when they say push to push as hard as I could because we have to get baby passed this lip in my cervix and get her out now. I knew from their voices and faces we needed to get her out now and we were on a small time frame so I bared down and turned into a super pushing mama with every contraction

After five sets of contractions/pushes her head was pass the lip and her heart rate was stable and just as her eye were seeing light for the first time my OB and two other nurses came running through the door while gowning up. He grabbed her head as my body pushed babies shoulders and body out itself and she let out the biggest and most wonderful cry I have ever heard. My partner and I were in tears of joy she was healthy and alive. I kept thanking my nurses for taking action and not waiting.

While all the commotion was going on I looked at my OBs face because he was still down there cleaning me up and taking the placenta out and I could tell something wasn't right but he wasn't saying it yet. I didn't realize I was hemorrhaging until my poor partner asked why there was so much blood and started turning green. One of the nursery nurses distracted him by telling him to come meet baby and take pictures of her weight. And that's the last thing I really remember because I started to fade out a little and things got crazier in the room.

Apparently I lost 450 cc of blood and they stopped it with a shot in my IV and I came back too immediately but I must have been out of it because I don't remember the shot. Baby girl was doing amazing though with daddy but apparently my pelvic bone or the lip not sure which because daddy can't remember what they said cut the top of her head from being pressed against it by the contractions.

They monitored me for the next 8 hours making sure my blood was going back to where it needed or they were going to give me a transfusion. I was lucky enough to rebound like a champ though but I was pretty nauseous and delusional but they were giving me hydrocodone for the pain so I blame that too.

If you made it this far thank you for reading my wild ride of a birth story I was in active labor for only 3 hours before my 8lb 3oz Myla'Jo was born. She's been a God send at breastfeeding and also sleeping. Her poor little head might have a scar for a while but she is still beautiful and perfect. We leave the hospital tomorrow morning and I can't wait for her to meet her older sisters πŸ’˜

Myla'Jo Lee Higgins β™“πŸ’«

I decided to take a picture of myself after I woke up from "almost dying" 🀣🀦 those painkillers were something else πŸ˜†πŸ˜…

Baby girls head, the filter makes it look a little better but they are kinda deep :(