12mo not eating most meals


I’m going crazy. My 12mo has been done with formula since his 1st bday, per pediatrician. Now he gets a total of 16oz of Ripple or oat milk (dairy allergy) + 3 meals + 2 snacks per day. The issue I’m having is that he’ll barely eat any of it. He does great at breakfast and eats most of the food he’s served. His first snack he’ll eat 50-75% of. Lunch onwards, almost 100% of his food just gets played with or thrown on the floor. Even stuff I KNOW he likes. He’ll act super cranky and obviously hungry but then refuses any solid food and only drinks the milk. This is obviously worrying because milk =/= formula.

Is this just a phase? Will he start eating eventually? Has anyone else had a baby like this and if so, what did you do to entice them to eat? I should also add that he will only eat things that are cut in bite-size pieces and will not eat from a utensil. He can’t have milk products or PB. And he’s extremely particular about the texture of a food—if it feels slimy or wet in his hand he will usually just toss it to the dogs. You can see how this makes meal options very limited and stressful enough without the whole not eating part. 😅