
Baby is a month old and I am finally ready to tell my birth story. So I went to the doc at 38weeks plus the high risk doc to get an ultrasound and they suggested I get induced at 39 weeks due to me having too much amniotic fluid around the baby plus the baby was already measuring big. At 38weeks she was already close to 9 lbs so the doc put in a request at the hosp for me to be scheduled at 39 weeks and so that Friday they called me and informed me to come in Wednesday 5/18 (right at 39 weeks) at 6am to get everything started and to make sure I eat a light breakfast before coming in. So I get up around 430 to get myself together and I eat my breakfast and my husband, my mom and I get to the hosp at 530am to get admitted and everything. We get to a room and I of course put the gown on and they put the monitor on the baby and she was already active and I was already having contractions so they wanted to see would the contractions get stronger before started pitocin (also I was already 2cm and 30% effaced for 2 weeks prior to going in for my induction and I was still the same when I got there). So while they’re waiting they put an iv in me so I won’t get dehydrated while waiting and then they took blood. So around 9am the doc comes in and inform me that the blood work showed my iron was super low and that I would have to get a blood transfusion because if I have the baby and I hemorrhage I can have a heart attack or possibly die just giving birth since my iron was so low. So they gave me two bags which they let drip into my iv and those 2 bags were done around 1pm. So at 145pm my contractions were still coming but they weren’t as strong as they wanted them to be so they started pitocin but they started it on the number 4. So the contractions started consistently at around 3pm but I was still able to walk to the bathroom and stuff. So I was just lounging around eating my chicken broth and Italian ice and drinking my water. So they upped my pitocin around 645pm and the contractions started coming back to back then and I had dilated to about a 5 then. So I had it in my birth plan I didn’t want an epidural so they let me get the birth ball, try diff positions and the peanut ball. So the new doc on call came in and talked to me and checked me by 7 and I was 6cm and so she wanted to go ahead and break my water but because I had so much amniotic fluid she informed me that it would be a huge gush that will just keep coming and coming even when I stand up to go use the bathroom or anything so they put the wireless fetal monitor on me at that point and broke my water and she was right. It was a huge gush that just kept coming and coming. So that’s when the contractions really started and they were somewhat painful but I could tolerate them. So I got on the birthing ball and bounced and moved for a while and walked around my room and even got on the toilet since I heard that’s the “dilation station”. So fast fwd to 11pm and I’m really feeling the contractions and I’m basically in agony at this point but I still opted for the no epidural not to add they had to take the wireless monitor off me because it stopped working and so they put the other monitor that goes inside you in me. They had one on baby’s head to monitor her heartbeat and the other just inside me (my uterus) enough to monitor my contractions. The doc came and said I was at a 7 by that time. At 1145 I ended up getting super cold and then I would get hot because my body was trying to go into overdrive to get my daughter out by that time. So I was shivering and would get under the covers and then I would kick the covers off because I was so hot. Next thing I knew I felt the feeling I knew all too well (nausea) settled in and I told them I felt like I had to vomit. They were looking for the vomit bags but before I knew it I vomit all over the bed and the rest in the trash can. After getting it all out I was still shivering but I knew I couldn’t take the pain anymore. Like my body just couldn’t physically do it naturally anymore without any meds so while in the bathroom the nurse basically gave me a pep talk and was like you are no less of a woman if you get the epidural. I just can’t see you in pain anymore. So I was already going to tell her I needed it/wanted it but when she talked to me I said I’m getting it. So I told them I wanted it and they called the anesthesiologist and he came in but they were worried it may be too late because by me vomiting it helped the baby come down more and it dilated me more. I got to an 8 by that time which was 1215. At that time the anesthesiologist gave me the epidural but because it wouldn’t kick in until 30 mins later he gave me another med that would immediately stop the pain and boy did it kick in immediately lol. So I got a little rest by that time and 2am on 5/19 they checked me and I was 9cm and 90% effaced so the doc said we’ll see how long I stay like that. So 4am they come back and check me and I’m 9.5cm with a little cervix still left. The doc said it’s fine by the time I start pushing it will be open enough for the baby to come through so they came in the room and prepped everything and by 4:20am I was pushing and I did 3 pushes and 4:22 my baby girl was here weighing 8lbs 5oz and 20.75 inches long and I fell in love all over again. She is our 4th child and our rainbow baby