Sore and Proud


On my third week of easing into a 5am run. I started off doing just 10 minutes before work. Now this week I've doubled the time to 20 minutes. I'm proud because I have ADHD and have NEVER stuck to anything fitness related this long (at least, not by myself). Hoping to get up to 30 minutes in about 2 weeks.

I made it super convenient for myself by going at 5am because that's the time I naturally wake up every morning. Instead of staying in bed and dreading the day, I just get up. I slip into my workout clothes at night before bed, so when I wake up I can just brush my teeth and go.

Sorry for the brag session, I just felt a bit down at not keeping up with another goal. I'm so quick to put myself down, sometimes I forget it's okay to be proud and big myself up every once in a while.

And goodness me are my legs sore. Lol