A lengthy, natural, unmedicated birth story- My third & final baby *part 1*


a baby boy after two girls 💝💝💙

Not only do I have the baby boy of my dreams, but I also had an amazing labor and delivery experience!

I labored at home for as long as I could, breathing through the pain. I was in early labor and started having consistent contractions on the afternoon of December 14th, 2021 and although the contractions were very bearable and sporadic, I knew it was go time. It wasn't just braxton hicks anymore. I went about my day like any other daily routine only with more anticipation, awareness, and grace. I went to bed that evening at about 10pm but woke up at 1am and could no longer ignore the pain and go back to sleep. Contractions were getting stronger and more consistent. I started timing them with my contraction timer app and decided to take a shower, shave, brush my teeth, etc. and get my toiletries packed and ready to go to the hospital. I knew this would be the last time I would have real alone time or me time for awhile, so I enjoyed it as much as I could and pampered myself a bit. Afterwards, I stayed in my living room so I wouldn't wake my husband. I wanted him to be well-rested as he was my full support system. I basically alternated between walking around and doing squats in my living room in attempt to pick up the pace and really get labor going and relaxing/resting on the couch to conserve energy.

After my husband took our oldest (8 & turing 9 on August 19th) to the bus for school at 7am, I insisted on going to Walmart to get stocking stuffers since I wouldn't be up for it after the baby was born. Plus, I had already gotten all the Christmas gifts, wrapped them, and placed them under the tree. Stocking stuffers were last on my list. Contractions were consistent and about 5 minutes apart but still managable, and I felt perfectly fine between them. I would simply lean over the shopping cart for some support and breathe deeply and slowly when I had one, inhale four counts in, exhale six counts out. After Walmart, we stopped at Chick-fil-A and picked up some breakfast in the drive through. I'm not usually one for breakfast. However, I knew I would need my strength and energy to successfully deliver my baby. By the time we got home, I was already exhausted. I ate my sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit and drank my orange juice. I was mindful to eat slowly since it's common to feel nauseated and even vomit during labor. I had never done so before during my other two labors, but it was something I was afraid of. After eating, I lied down in desperate need of a nap. I was able to sleep on and off for about an hour or so, waking from the pain of each contraction. Still, it was better than no nap at all. Plus, at one point I felt my labor beginning to slow down (contractions weren't coming as steadily), and a little sleep was just what my body needed to boost the momentum and get things moving once again, so I'm glad I listened it.

Sometime after I got up from my nap, I decided to try and look a little presentable for this beautiful occasion, so I groomed my eyebrows and filled them in. No way was I about to put on a full face of makeup, but at least I had ma brows on lol. Not only was I not in the mood for glam, but I never planned on getting dolled up in the first place, and comfort was my upmost priority at this point (aside from the health and safety of baby and mama of course). I just don't feel my most comfortable self with a bunch of heavy makeup on; worrying about it transfering, crying it off (happy tears no less), getting it all in my eyes, etc., and I definitely wanted to avoid getting any makeup products on my little bundle of joy from lots of love and kisses. 🥰 Just one less thing to worry about makes all the difference, especially when bringing life into the world. Also, birth is one of, if not THE most natural thing known to man, so I didn't mind looking it one bit in photos after all my little ones were born. Kutos to all the mamas looking glamorous in their L&D/postpartum, hospital photos though! 😍

At about 1:30pm, contractions were getting intense. I was no longer able to perform simple tasks, walk, or talk through them and was forced to stop and focus solely on each contraction, yet they were somehow still managable. This was when I grabbed my combs. (I'll explain later). I also called my grandmother. She lives 15-20 minutes away and agreed to be the one to watch my daughters while I was at the hospital. My girls just adore their great maw maw! Hubby also went ahead and put the hospital bags in the car, ready to go. My grandma got to our place at about 2pm, and I was just trying to spend as much time as I could with my youngest (2 at the time & just turned 3 June 6th) while getting through each contraction.

It was far more comfortable being at home rather than being at a hospital enduring the pain. I had a natural, unmedicated birth with my second baby too, but I was at the hospital during the majority of my labor with her. I feel like I did pretty well handling my contractions on my own and without a nurses assistance. The key is to focus on staying positive and calm and to use positive affirmations such as; I'll never have to experience that contraction again, I'm one contraction closer to meeting my baby, and my body is built to do this. It's also important to relax and not tense up like you usually do when you're in pain that way contractions will be most efficient at opening the cervix so you're allowing your body to do what it's built to do- safely birth your baby. Being in certain positions and walking a lot helps as well to allow the baby to get into the optimum position for birth. Also, combs! I know you're probably confused, but let me explain. I held hair combs (one in each hand) and squeezed them so the teeth were poking into my palms to distract myself from the pain of my contractions, and omg it helped tremendously! I learned this trick on a birth vlog on YouTube when I was preparing my mind and body for labor towards the end of my pregnancy. Eating dates and drinking raspberry leaf tea are very beneficial and helpful at preping the cervix for birth as well.

Anyway! I wanted to wait for my oldest to get off the bus at 3pm to go to the hospital, because I very much wanted to see her before I left, but I was starting to moan through my contractions, so my husband and my grandma eventually convinced me to go in. I was reluctant to go, because I didn't want to only be a few centimeters dilated and feel discouraged like I did with my youngest. I should've known I was further along.

I gave my youngest a hug and a kiss for the thousandth time that day and walked out the front door. I started crying in the car, because I could hear her crying for me when I left, and I knew life for her and our family wouldn't be the same. I would have a new baby when I came back. I was so emotional and nervous about how she would feel about having a baby brother and not getting as much attention. Suddenly, the pain escalated. Perhaps it was from tensing up from crying. Or, maybe my labor was really starting to progress. I'm not really sure. All I know is, I was so happy to live five minutes away from the hospital. It's a good thing I did too, because I almost didn't make it!

My water broke right after I put on my hospital gown and layed in the hospital bed. I felt a powerful contraction along with an immense amount of pressure, followed by a huge, warm gush. Then, the nurse checked my cervix. I was dilated an 8. I was shocked! I was in active labor! She wheeled me down the hallway to a labor and delivery room. By this time, I was screaming in agony and people were moving out of the way. It was just like a scene from a movie. This baby was coming! I got to the room and had to switch beds and get a covid test(negative) done. Thankfully, I was between contractions, but that didn't last long. I transfered myself to the bed terrified I would fall between the two onto the cold, hard floor or worse- a contraction would start before I was completely situated.

I got into a squat position on my knees hoping it would help baby come down and therefore out faster. I was facing the head of the bed for more support. During my next contraction, I felt the undeniable urge to push. One of the nurses (there were so many I couldn't keep up) checked me and announced I was complete(fully dilated). Again, I was in shock at how quickly I progressed. I was just dilated an 8 not five minutes ago mind you. The same nurse told me to try and refrain from pushing until the doctor showed. As you can imagine, I didn't want to wait nor could I ignore my body's natural instincts and hold him in and not push. I feared the doctor wouldn't get there in time to deliver my baby. Luckily, he got to me quickly and the nurse assisted me as I turned around and put my legs in the stirrups, ready to push. I remember feeling overwhelmed as soon as I was completely adjusted. I looked up and there was what seemed to be the entire L&D staff in the room with my husband and I. I just tried to stay focused and not let the sensation of their prying eyes bother me, but I was a little uncomfortable to say the least. I know they were just doing their job, and I'm forever grateful. L&D nurses are absolute angels, but I'm telling you the room was slap full, which I was not expecting at all. I simply wasn't prepared for their presence, and it was borderline claustrophobic.