A lengthy, natural, unmedicated birth story- My third & final baby *part 2*


I very quickly reminded myself of my intention and pushed through (pun intended) The pain was excruciating, and I felt so dizzy. It felt good and relieving to push though. I pushed with all the strength I had left, taking in as much oxygen as I could between each push. The ring of fire is no joke, and I wanted him out now! I pushed for about 3 minutes and baby boy was out fast and furious! I didn't even have time to get an IV. It all happened so quickly! From the time I got to the hospital to his time of birth was 10 minutes, if that! Baby boy had absolute PERFECT timing too(thanks to my back to back pushing), because he pooped miconium EVERYWHERE the moment he came out! I mean it was A LOT and all over me! Of course, I didn't mind. I didn't even notice until the nurse told me. I was too busy- in awe of my newborn son. It's funny to think his big duet into the word scared the 💩 out of him.. literally! And yes, I held onto the combs the entire time I was in labor at the hospital, even while pushing! My doctor was so sweet and funny. After my son was born, he joked saying, "You can comb his hair now!" Hahaha! It was great 🤣

I'll never forget the first time I layed eyed on my precious, baby boy(and girls). The overwhelming feelings of relief and pure joy, along with the loving warmth and softness of my tiny baby on my chest is the absolute best, most incredible experience in the entire world. The sound of my babies' first cries were the most beautiful sounds I will ever encounter, and don't even get me started on that sweet, newborn aroma! The moment I've been dreaming of is finally here. Nine months of growing this perfect miracle and then going through hours of pain and exhaustion until I'm presented with my reward at long last. It's the feeling of pure bliss. The journey to my baby boy is finally over and new one's just begun.

I had an amazing and empowering labor. It was the natural, unmedicated birth I've always wanted, no tearing either! I thought for sure I would tear this time since I didn't tear at all with my girls. I just thought my baby boy's head would be bigger lol, and there was no way I wouldn't tear a third time. I guess I just got lucky all three times! I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Best of all, my baby boy is healthy. He arrived on his due date- December 15, 2021 at 2:40pm♡ He latched on and nursed like a champ right away, and we're still going strong. I EBF my firstborn for 12 months, my second for 16 months, and I will nurse my baby boy for at least a year as well. I couldn't imagine feeding and nourishing my babies any other way.

We went home the next day, 24 hours after his time of birth. I healed and recovered very well. My family and I couldn’t be happier. The love of my life and I have two, gorgeous girlies and a handsome, little man. Our family is complete and my heart is so full. ♥️

Although I was able to do it on my own for the most part(It was MY labor after all), just knowing my husband was there for me was a huge comfort in itself. I appreciate that he wasn't all up in my face, talking, bombarding me with questions, pressuring me, etc. and just let me do what I had to do. He was there when I needed him, and he was the best support system I could've asked for- letting my heavy self lean on him, massaging my lower back, and encouraging me every step of the way. He was perfect, just like our beloved babies are. 😇 He did worry me and the staff though as he got extremely white-faced and very light headed, but I'm sure most men do. I remember looking over at him sitting next to me while I was pushing and as he was holding my arm, even his lips were white! The nurses were great and attentive to him as well and got him some juice and a cold rag for his head, which I was very grateful for since I was helpless and a bit indisposed at the moment. He struggled during all my labors. He just can't stand the thought of me being in so much pain. I tried to reassure him and ask him if he was okay but I found it difficult to speak and not keep my eye on our prize. He managed to keep his head down and not pass out. Thank the Lord! Later on, after our little one was born, he told me he was glad I pushed him out so quickly, because he would've been on the floor if it had been just a few more seconds, and he didn't want the doctor or nurses to have to help him instead of helping me. He's such a good man. I just feel so unbelievably lucky that God brought us together and allowed us to be fruitful and multiply our family x3. Over 12 years together and our love continues to grow for one another each day.

I have been blessed with all sisters, so my family is thrilled to finally welcome a baby boy into our lives. I not only get to experience the mother-daughter bond but also the mother-son bond I've heard so much about. Motherhood is challenging, but it's the best job in the entire world, and I'm cherishing and soaking up every second with my sweet babies before they're all grown up. After all, they're only little for a little.

If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I know this was very extensive. However, it was my last birth, and I wanted to be sure to include every small detail for my children and I to look back on and to have these memories forever. My baby boy is now 6 months old, but I remember this entire experience like it was just yesterday. It's hard to believe I'm done having babies (unless God has other plans), but I truly believe 3 littles is perfect for us, and I'm beyond grateful to have had three complication-free, full-term pregnancies along with three, healthy, beautiful blessings.

God bless all you lovely people! x

Meet my son, Oliver Jude ☆


& now

He's so so smart and such a joy! Oh and his first word was mama 😍🥰

My mama's boy 💙