2 year old concerns (29 months)


So it’s gonna be a long one…

My son is 2..

He’s in speech therapy. He doesn’t talk full sentences, but he’s slowly starting to talk more. We started him on speech back when he was 18 months. Now he knows 76 words!! (Super proud of him) Hes very smart.and can understand everything you tell him. He knows his colors. Numbers from 1-10. If you ask him to get you something he does it. He’s good at following directions.

But Since starting speech therapy I was always concerned he has autism. NOTHING WRONG if he has it. I will love my baby regardless!! What kills me is that people will treat him different. He hasn’t been diagnosed with it or anything, his doctor wasn’t concerned and his speech therapist isn’t either. But lately he’s been showing ‘signs’ if you will. Out of nowhere randomly he will spin in circles, he run from one place to another over and over. Lately he’s been flapping one hand when he’s happy. He HATES haircuts!! He screams bloody murder, he hates being touched on his head, to brush his teeth we have to hold him down. He doesn’t eat! He will eat more snacks then actual food, we go out to eat and order him food and he won’t even touch it. Also when he doesn’t get his way he wants to bite or pinch.

Any advice please. Is it concerning or am I just being an over dramatic mom???

He’s our first child and the first grandkid, I don’t have friends who have kids so he’s never really been around any other kids.