Parenting advice re:biting


Advice needed. My 2 year child has been biting, it has gotten worse in the past month. At first we thought it was due to frustration but the recents incidents have proven that is not the case. He will bite because he wants the toy someone else at daycare is playing with. He has bitten both mom and dad when laughing, he also did this at daycare. We have tried redirecting, tried biting back, tried a shark tooth chewy necklace which he proceeded to swing around his head and chase kids with(so daycare wasn’t a fan), and we say”no bite, biting hurts” when he does it but have had no luck. We are a loss for what to do.

He is constantly putting things in his mouth and can’t really speak much yet so I am sure those are factors but until he can communicate we need to figure out something. If he bites again in the next two weeks there is a good chance we will be looking for new daycare. We have been in speech for almost a year as well.