Do you ever just wish your sibling does the best for themselves?


So I know I will probably get comments like it’s not of your business, she’s an adult she can do what she wants blah blah blah . But I really care for my sister and lately I just want the best for her honestly . My sister graduated high school and got a job and was suppose to go to a university and ended up missing orientation that led to her getting kicked out of the school supposably. She had really high expectations of getting her career and made comments to my mom that she would never be like me and my brother. ( me and my brother went to a community college and both never finished , I got pregnant moved out with my boyfriend and my brother went to having a full time job). While she was working she met some guy and after knowing him for a few months she decided to move out with him to a different state ( nobody knew him well not even my parents they met him the week she was leaving) we all told her it wouldn’t work out because of things she had told us how they were fighting and they weren’t even boyfriend and girlfriend. They weren’t in a relationship when she told us she was leaving with him. Anyways she left and was gone a whole year and there were signs that she wasn’t happy, there relationship was so toxic on both ends. so she came back started dating some guy the day she came back and got into another relationship (not boyfriend and girlfriend) so first day at her job she quit because she didn’t like it and was jobless for 2 1/2 months. She is living with my grandma who has rules but she doesn’t follow them and always gets into fights with my grandma. My sister will tell me & so will my grandma. So she had got a job worked for about maybe a month and quit. And before she got her job my mommy my sister borrow money for a car. Then she decided to quit her job and sold her car without giving my mom her money back and is currently spending it . Now I feel in a weird place because I knew that my mom lend her money to buy a car so I’m a way I am involved because both parties told me about buying the car and lending money situation. My sister has never been this irresponsible. Then I find out she’s talking to her ex who used her for money and had her pay all the bills back in Indiana and would treat her horrible. I just want the best for my sister. It gets me upset that she is still talking to that loser and is probably has her paying for things since he came to town. I’m only writing this because I just need to vent. If I tell my sister anything she gets upset either about getting a job or if she’s looking for a job and has a attitude she’s always been the type that she doesn’t like to hear it from anyone ever since she was a teenager. I honestly think since she has no job no car I think she will leave to Indiana again. She has so much pride that she said if she leaves and decides to come back she doesn’t need no one’s help . Which is a lie because at the end of the day he mooched off my sister and had no money to come back home. I just hope that my sister realizes that she doesn’t need a man to do good and all I want is my sister to do good I just wants the best for her. I tried to be a big sister and tell her certain things but now I know she made her mistakes and will keep making them. But my worse fear is that she will end up pregnant by this guy and leave her (apparently he has a kid but the mom won’t let him see the child , and he lies about a lot of things so we don’t know if it’s true that the mom of the child will allow him to see the child) his family has told my sister he lies about everything. That’s my biggest fear she will end up pregnant and will bounce and want nothing to do with her . she is so young I just want the best for her . Please no mean comments I’m literally just venting and wants the best for my little sister