🎁 Gift-It-Forward! The Arts & Craft Supplies Edition 🧵


Hello ladies!

I've been sooooo inspired by all the homemade craft products y'all are sharing in this group. So it's no surprise that this Pin-enthusiast group is one of the most popular groups on Glow!

But getting supplies is always a headache for a crafty person. There's just so much to consider! So just for fun, I thought it'd be interesting to start this gift-it-forward train for gifting and receiving our favorite craft supplies!

Here's how to participate - 

STEP 1 → Create your Glow Wishlist and add your favorite craft supplies to your wishlist!

STEP 2 → Post your Glow Wishlist along with a sample of the "homemade product" you'd usually create in the comment below, and we (Glow) will buy a craft item from someone's wishlist. 

STEP 3 → If you received a gift, we'll comment on your link. And if you received a gift, you'll then have to find someone else's Glow Wishlist in the comments and send them a crafty item!