I have emetophobia and need some help

Linda • Mama to two baby girls named Blayne and Blaire. 🌙🌟 Husband and I own an A/C business.❄️ Cat lover 😽 Florida 🏖

I have a three year old. This morning while I was at the store I guess she was eating breakfast and she said she didn’t want the eggs and her dad kind of pushed her to eat more. And she did like a little spit up. Then was fine. So while we were on the way to a birthday party she started to whine some and cough and she threw up in the car. I caught most of it in a little trash can. Then she was fine. We went to the party(we let the other parents know what happened and they weren’t worried about it) she ate a bunch of food and kept it all down without any complaints. Acting normal. So I told my husband to take her temp when we got home a little bit ago and it was 100.1. Which I know isn’t technically a fever in a toddler.

So with that being said, i did call the pediatrician and told him what happened and he said it sounds like motion sickness because if she had a bug she would have diarrhea too.

I’m so afraid it’s a stomach bug. Wouldn’t she have thrown up more times if it was? And not been able to eat like she did? Do kids just throw up and not have a bug? It happened around 2ish and it’s now 10pm and we haven’t had another incident.

Help. I know I need to learn to cope but I just don’t know how.