3 month old won’t sleep anymore


My son had suddenly stopped sleeping at night. He used to sleep a solid 6-8 hours once put down for the night and then would wake twice after that for a feeding before being up for the day.

His wake windows are appropriate, he is fed on demand/ every 2-2.5 hours EBF, and has plenty of day stimulation and proper nap/bedtime techniques of swaddle, white noise, dark room with appropriate room temp. When I lay him down at night now (8:00PM) he will fall asleep for 10 minutes and then wake up and won’t go back to sleep till after 9PM! During this time he isn’t fussy or eating, just awake. No amount of rocking or pacifier or breastfeeding will make him fall back asleep.

This is my second son and my first was the worst sleeper ever so this time around I am taking sleep very seriously. He was doing good for so long but now all of a sudden this past week he’s been not sleeping at night well. Naps are still going well. I’m at a loss. Any ideas?